25.5.27 [Frenkel-Brunswik, Else]: Frenkel-Brunswik, Else: Projective techniques in their relation to psychoanalytic and psychological theory. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Psychology Montreal – June 1954. Actes du Quatorzième Congrès International de Psychologie Montréal – Juin 1954.

Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company [1955], S. 98–99; 3 Bl., pag. 440-442; Druckwerk. <Englischsprachig. Fotokopie eines Sonderdrucks aus: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Psychology Montreal – June 1954. Actes du Quatorzième Congrès International de Psychologie Montréal – Juin 1954. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company [1955] (= Acta psycologica. Volume 11. 1.), S. 98–99.>

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