Children, Young People and Unemployment. A Series of Enquiries into the Effects of Unemployment on Children and Young People. Part II. Geneva [Genf]: The Save the Children International Union 1933

S. 115–211; 50 Bl., pag. 249-298; Druckwerk. <Englischsprachig. Enthält Marie Jahoda-Lazarsfeld: The Influence of Unemployment on Children and Young People in Austria, in: ebenda, S. 115–135; Heinrich Einspinner: Voluntary Labour Service in Austria, in: ebenda, S. 136–137; Robert Bartsch: Effects of the Crisis on Child Welfare Administration, in: ebenda, S. 138; [anonym]: Great Britain. Foreword, in: ebenda, S. 139–140; [anonym]: Memorandum by the Council of the Save the Children Fund, in: ebenda, S. 141–146; [anonym]: Report on the Enquiry conducted by the Save the Children Fund, in: ebenda, S. 147–178; Halina Krahelska / Stephan Pruss: Poland. The Influence of Unemployment on the Life of Children and Juveniles of the Working Classes, in: ebenda, S. 179–191; Emilie de Manteuffel: Unemployed Young Persons in Poland, in: ebenda, S. 192–193; H[elena] Radlinska / W[anda] Cwajgenhaftova [d. i. Wanda Cwajgenhaft]: The Influence of Unemployment on the Child, in: ebenda, S. 194–199; Hélène Neyman: Notes on the Children from “Life Stories of the Unemployed”, in: ebenda, S. 200–203; [anonym]: A Few Stories of Young Unemployed. Translated by Madame Hélène Neyman, in: ebenda, S. 204–211. Zur auszugsweisen Fotokopie des Aufsatzes von Marie Jahoda siehe Nummer 125 unter Signatur 41/, pag. 164-176. Zur dazugehörigen Karteikarte vgl. Signatur 41/4.1.1, pag. 336.>

Kategorie: Jahoda, Marie: Signatur 41/04

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